AI-Driven Workforce Analytics

The Next Frontier for Talent Analytics and Workforce Intelligence 

VM Edge a significant advancement in Human Capital Intelligence, unifying HR Data with Machine Learning to instantly reveal employee value, productivity, and ROI


Image depicting employee value mapping using advanced analytics and AI


Imagine a world where your HR data works for you—eliminating bias from performance reviews, saving you 100’s of hours of planning time for talent profiling processes, automatically unlocking new-found people insights, enabling a crystal-clear view of employee value and productivity and turning insight to action within minutes.

Identify and Amplify Workforce ROI

HR teams and leaders can access previously unseen insights into talent measurement, employee retention risk and workforce ROI, through sophisticated analytics, powered by machine learning.

HR Decision Augmentation

Guiding organisations from traditional retrospective analysis to decision-making and actions powered by advanced analytics, machine learning, and predictive intelligence.

Employee Value Optimisation

HR teams and leaders can access previously unseen insights into talent measurement, employee retention risk and workforce ROI, through sophisticated analytics, powered by machine learning.

Scientific Talent Discovery

Automated Machine Learning supports you in mapping your organisations’ talent and creating structured segmentation between high, medium and lower talent groups.

Resource-free Intelligence

VM Edge drives advanced analytical maturity, enabling organisations to achieve powerful insights without the need for extensive resources dedicated to data modelling, analysis, or reporting

A Solution Designed-to-fit

Clients can tailor VM Edge to their data availability and preferred talent mapping methodology. As data maturity grows, they can easily integrate new data sources to enhance solution outputs.

Unified People Analytics Hub

All primary people analytics insights and outcomes can be driven through VM Edge saving organisations time and investment moving between different systems to acquire key workforce metrics and analysis.

Cost Effective Excellence

HR and IT teams can substantially cut costs by transitioning analytics delivery from expensive enterprise vendor add-ons to VM Edge, whilst enhancing the quality of their HR data ecosystem.


Engineered to save organisations time and resources to quickly uncover previously unknown workforce insights, all geared towards raising transparency, organisational productivity and ROI on employee investment.

►  Skip 2 dimensional, 9-box talent profiling

►  Measure employee talent, value and ROI in seconds

►  Access +2 million machine-learned people insights

►  Multiple people analytics use cases in seconds 

►  Identify key features to nurture employee value 

►  Generate data driven HR action plans 



    VM Edge continuously assesses multiple employee attributes using comprehensive HR data and their digital interactions within the workplace. By evaluating multiple data features, VM Edge is able to quantify and generate each employee’s talent profile and ROI in seconds.

    Its’ advanced analytics and automated decision suite offers stakeholders a variety of uses, from more technical assessment of workforce analytics through to tactical action plan generation and policy or functional effectiveness.

    for HR Leaders

    Utilise VM Edge to support succession planning initiatives, identify future leaders, track high-level HR issues in real time, including talent health and assess HR policy effectiveness.

    for C-Suite

    Identify functional top performers for accession to management and leadership roles, track employee ROI and unproductive cost, acquire insights to guide workforce planning and assess retention risk of top talent.

    for HR Teams

    Access robust information on employee and department level issues for review and action, spanning compensation, performance intervention, workforce restructuring and employee development.

    for Analysts

    Streamline and automate a substantial portion of your analytics workflow to deliver high-quality, actionable insights to the business with greater confidence and speed. 


    Machine Learning – driven Talent Maps

    Employing sophisticated machine learning, users can create, test, validate and view tailored talent groups based on selected features, allowing them to target specific attributes for talent assessment and providing HR Leaders and Analysts with a comprehensive workforce view in minutes. 

    +2 million reactive people insights 

    The insights module has sophisticated filters to enrich your people analytics capabilities, empowering clients to uncover over 2 million reactive insights at multiple levels of an organisation, to help answer a multitude of potential user enquiries.

    Machine Learning Augmented HR Action Plans

    Embedded machine learning and automation enables clients to rapidly create HR action plans underpinned by advanced analytics, to guide HR tactical delivery, strategic planning and evidence-based HR decision making. VM Edge enables this across many topics and at all levels of an organisation, positioning clients as true leaders in Human Capital Intelligence.

    Providing analytics efficiency and ease of use

    The analytics suite is presented through a user-friendly, intuitive interface, eliminating the need to switch between multiple modules and charting tools—key insights are just 1-2 clicks away. VM Edge’s advanced automation streamlines everything from talent profiling model validation to delivering in-depth insights across a wide range of user queries

    Employee Profiles backed by advanced analytics

    Users are able to view detailed employee profiles summarising key metrics for each employee including development areas, relative talent strength and individual ROI to enrich discussions around performance, development and professional growth.

    Share information easily with colleagues 

    VM Edge enables users to easily share insights, reports and action plans with key stakeholders to promote collaboration and transparency, so that organisations can quickly align on various people initiatives.


    VM Edge continuously assesses multiple employee attributes using comprehensive HR data and their digital interactions within the workplace. By evaluating multiple data features, VM Edge is able to quantify and measure each employee’s talent profile and ROI in seconds.


    A multi-dimensional view of employees and the organisation

    VM Edge delivers on 2 principal requirements. Firstly, it observes employees more holistically, incorporating multiple HR data features into an advanced machine learning environment to identify employee value with broader perspective.

    Secondly, it serves as a powerful decision-augmentation platform, providing its’ audience with precise and actionable insights and recommendations, empowering them to make key HR decisions with evidence, speed and confidence.

    The result is less bias and discrimination, more objective employee scoring and actionable insights that uplift decision-making across a plethora of HR use cases.





    CAN I ANSWER . . .

    Which individuals are defined as top talent?

    Yes – organisations can choose their selected data features to model employee talent profiles with VM Edge. Our machine learning classifiers automatically analyse employee data and accurately assign each employee to the correct talent group with a precision rate of 96-99%, ensuring fair and reliable talent profiling with minimal error.

    Which candidates are suitable for succession planning?

    VM Edge’s talent profiling and advanced analytics filters enable you to identify top talent at both the functional and job levels, as well as employees closest to the incumbent position holder. This enhances objectivity and accelerates talent identification in succession planning, empowering HR teams to make faster, data-driven decisions.

    Who is our emerging talent from recent hires?

    Organisations can acquire rapid insights into new hires at a global, functional or locational perspective and qualify their relative positioning on the VM Edge Talent Map, bringing clarity to the quality of recent hires.

    What is each employees' unique Productivity and ROI?

    VM Edge Integrates proprietary machine learning talent models with financial models, generating employee-specific productivity and ROI metrics. This approach enhances accountability, supports strategic workforce planning by quantifying each employee’s contribution, and optimises investment in human capital by aligning contributions with organisational goals.

    What is the retention risk of each employee?

    Organisations can now predict the retention risk of each employee and the relevant statistics are assigned to each employees’ digital talent profile in VM Edge.

    What is my organisational talent health score?

    By delivering critical insights, organisations can monitor key KPIs to assess talent health in real time across various levels. This allows for the swift identification of business areas requiring attention. The solution provides HR teams and leadership with a powerful tool to measure talent health and guide strategic decisions, acting as a vital lever for continuous improvement.

    Is remote / hyrbid working generating a different ROI?

    VM Edge’s architecture is assesses employee value contributions across all working patterns, leveraging dynamic productivity and ROI metrics, so users can filter and benchmark the impact of various workplace flexibility models, providing leadership with objective insights to enrich discussions on their benefits.

    What is the hiring effectiveness at a functional level?

    VM Edge transcends traditional productivity-based hiring metrics to reveal the true value of recent hires and their organizational impact. The analytics suite offers advanced value metrics that can be filtered by function, job role, and other parameters.

    Which employees have been disproportionately rewarded?

    The solution’s advanced algorithms are capable of identifying anomalous reward adjustments within each talent cohort and flagging these discrepancies for user evaluation and potential corrective measures.


    VM Edge is highly customisable, ensuring it meets your specific HR needs and use cases. 

    The solution implementation process is carefully guided and supported by our expert team to ensure we assess data readiness and availability, data extraction from your core ERP and HR source systems, data integration with VM Edge and solution implementation, testing, training and launch.

    VM Edge: Tailored Outcomes for Every Client

    VM Edge stands at the forefront of HR innovation as a comprehensive AI-driven solution tailored to meet the unique needs of every organisation. Offering unparalleled flexibility, VM Edge allows businesses to select and automate specific HR processes that align with their strategic objectives.

    VM Edge is a step change in HR Technology

    ►   Customisation for bespoke application development

    ►   Ensure precise alignment with your requirements.

    ►   Integrates with cloud-based or on-premises HRIS

    ►   Seamlessly adapts to existing infrastructures

    Image depicting VM Edge,  employee value mapping using advanced analytics and AI by Trusted Data

    Experience VM Edge Today

    Discover the unparalleled power of VM Edge by scheduling a demo today. Our advanced machine learning-driven platform is designed to reduce analytics lead-time, elevate decision making and add analytical horsepower to your HR strategic planning.